It’s thee most important journey you can ever embark upon. For your relationship with yourself is paramount. Discover who you are, live the truth of you, and step into who it’s possible for you to be. Doing so would be the ultimate gift to yourself. It will catapult your quality of life AND it will double as a secret weapon, as you navigate this wild, woolly, wonky world of ours.




  • MODULE 1 | Magnetize Yourself

    Radiate. Shine. Beam your light. BE THE LIGHT that's missing in the world. Dial up your dazzle, your wow-factor, your confidence, your charisma, your allure. Amplify your life force. Increase your electromagnetism. Spring fully and unapologetically to life.

  • MODULE 2 | Love Yourself

    Because love is the most powerful energy in existence, you are wise to blast yourself with it, to full advantage! Beam upon yourself. Direct your unconditional love, light, fondness, adoration, warmth, healing energy, and nurturing inward. Love yourself proactively,

  • MODULE 3 | Know Yourself

    Explore who you are beyond the definitions that have been imposed on you. Then embody, radically accept, and enthusiastically celebrate the truth of who you are. Dive into a deeper understanding of your one-of-a-kind self. Mind, body, heart, and soul.

  • MODULE 4 | Heal Yourself

    Healing is the secret to having full access to our life force. Within us, we have a “pain-body," where all the negativity of our lifetime has built up a residue. When our pain-body gets triggered, we cause one another suffering. When we heal the pain-body, we thrive.

  • MODULE 5 | Empower Yourself

    Place importance upon yourself. Prioritize your soul's authentic desires. Honor your aims and intentions. Take yourself seriously. Step into your power, splendor, and majesty. Exercise your sovereignty and authority. Be the master of your own destiny.

  • MODULE 6 | Guide Yourself

    Rely on your sixth sense, a magnificent inner resource. Hone your intuition. Tune in to your inner knowing. You will thereby become an ultra-powerful, trusted advisor to yourself. It's additional illumination that will yield up clarity, self-assuredness, certitude, and courage.

  • MODULE 7 | Care For Yourself

    Self-Care is self-love in action. It's the doing element of loving yourself. What are your needs? As in, what foundation must you put in place so you can function optimally? What practices will nourish your mind, body, heart, and soul, enabling you to thrive?


  • 7 One-Hour Video Lectures by Naomi.

  • 7 Writing + Reflection Exercises.

  • 7 Short Essays—aka Soul-Thoughts—Written by Naomi.

  • Book List with suggested reading to amplify your JOURNEY TO YOU.

  • Go at your own pace.

  • Unlimited lifetime access.

I wave my wand and make an impassioned wish for you. As you make your way through this course—and through the unfoldings of your life—may you…

1.  Fall madly and passionately in love with yourself.

Love is the most powerful energy in existence. Blast yourself with it to full advantage! Beam upon yourself as if you were your own dream lover, your own ideal mother, your own precious child, and your verrrry best friend.  Direct your unconditional love, light, fondness, adoration, warmth, healing energy, and nurturing inward, toward y-o-u.  Send yourself the same quality and quantity of love you offer to your loved ones. Then one-up yourself and send even more love your way. When you love yourself actively, you grow radiant. Can’t we all spot from a mile away someone newly in love? You will light up the world around you and create a “win-win” for everyone you encounter.
2.  Embark on a thrilling journey of self-discovery.

Explore who you are beyond all the definitions that have been imposed on you. Then fully embody, radically accept, and enthusiastically celebrate the truth of who you are. Deep dive into knowledge of self. Connect to your fabulous uniqueness! You have special ways of being all your own, along with talents, skills, passions, roles, affiliations, a personality profile, and a one-of-a-kind set of fascinating life experiences.  Plus, your soul is nothing other than a wondrous spark of divinity, connecting you to transcendence, immortality, and dimensions beyond. It’s also the true essence of who you are.

3. Cultivate your authenticity and embrace your life’s unique curriculum.

Live in alignment with who you truly are. Follow your own inner directives. Don’t give power to what other people think about your choices. Just be Y-O-U in the face of whatever they say. Answer “no” when you need to. Cultivate healthy boundaries with all the people in your life, and don’t be afraid to disappoint people when you hold to your own intentions and honor your own needs. Don’t compare your life’s unfoldings with that of others—we all have our very own train track with our own designated controls, stops, and speed settings. Live from a place of serious self-acceptance. Just be yourself. At your best, of course.

4. Free yourself through healing + forgiveness.

Healing is the secret to having full access to our life force. Forgiveness of self and others is the secret to freedom. Forgiveness means we accept our unique life’s curriculum and the sacred assignment each experience represents. We can even transcend the need to forgive if we proceed instead from radical understanding, compassion, heightened consciousness, and unconditional love. We all have what’s called a “pain-body,” a shadow part of us where all the negativity of a lifetime has built up a residue. When our pain-bodies get triggered, we cause one another suffering. When we heal the pain-body, we thrive. 
5. Tell your inner critic where to go.

Your inner critic is that voice in your head forever cajoling you to be an “ideal” version of yourself, cajoling you to be perfect as opposed to human. As you go to greater levels of who you are, endeavor to be motivated by pure love of self as opposed to self-policing. Replace self-criticism with self-compassion. Let inspiration be your fuel rather than self-control. Give yourself a break from your inner judge. This shrill voice in our heads is not only mean-spirited, but unreliable in its accuracy. Refuse to give power to the bully within.
6. Step into your enlightened self-importance!

In our culture, “self-importance” is seen as negative. But the truth is, a healthy, soulful version of it is critical if we are to do anything other than “play small.”  Anyone who has accomplished anything of any significance has placed a measure of importance upon themselves. Healthy self-importance means prioritizing your desires, committing to yourself, and honoring your goals and intentions. It means taking yourself seriously. It means stepping into your full power, splendor, and majesty. It means being the master of your own destiny.

7. See + Synthesize Your Shadow Side.

If we refuse to tap into ALL of who we are, including the good, bad, ugly, and beautiful, we do so at our own peril and to our own detriment. That which we repress and deny can wreak havoc in our lives. Overlooking key aspects of ourselves limits what’s possible for us and prevents us from having the quality of life we wish to have and the quality of relationships with others we wish to have. We all have behavior patterns that we are not aware of. It’s well worth bringing these to light and integrating them. Integrating our shadow aspect and reclaiming our “dark side” is a key factor in our being able to become whole and in our being able to come home to ourselves, residing as a default in the bulls eye of who we truly are.

8. Hone your intuition; Honor your inner Knowing.

Rely upon your sixth sense to your fullest advantage. It’s your most powerful inner resource. Tap into the quantum reality, the divine intelligence, and serve as your very own psychic.  Dial up your intuition and become a powerful advisor to yourself. To connect with your inner Knowing is to turn on your high beam headlights. With this additional illumination on life’s road, you will access greater clarity, self-assuredness, centeredness, and courage. You will also sparkle more for being more connected to something beyond the normal confines of the self. Our inner Knowing is always communicating with us. We just need to tune in.

9. “Radically Relax” (aka MEDITATE!) with regularity.

“Letting go” for a period of time each day is a game-changer. Just 15-minutes is medicine for an entire 24-hour window. A regular practice yields powerful healing along with greater clarity, serenity, well-being, and confidence. Your generalized anxiety fades away. Stress is replaced by wherewithal, the capacity to handle life’s demands with grace and aplomb. You grow more patient, less reactionary, and less easily triggered. Daily stillness puts you in touch with your inner Knowing and enables you to feel magically connected to source.

10. Your body is your temple—care for it accordingly.  

Treat with awe and wonder the sacred vehicle that is ushering you through this journey called life. Care for it with corresponding reverence. Without the miracle of your body, you are out of the game of life altogether. Lavish this extraordinary live machine of yours with gratitude for all its amazing functions, every last one of them designed to keep you surviving and thriving. Nourish your body with high quality nutrition. Fuel it with regular physical movement, a replenishing sleep regimen, and pampering. Let your self-care practice be self-love put into tangible action.
11. Create a life you adore!
It’s perfectly possible for the very life you are living to become an ultra-fulfilling, rewarding one that you give thanks for every day. From right where you are, you can create a reality that fuels and inspires you. Simply do the administration and make whatever changes are called for. When our life supports us at being at our best, we attract the opportunities, experiences, and people we are wishing to attract. When we love our lives, we are more magnetic for a great relationship, dream job, deep healing, or financial breakthrough. Examine the fabric of your life and make needed tweaks and edits. Actively attend to your relationships, health, well-being, spiritual journey, personal style, career, and finances. This will optimize your day-to-day existence.
12. Make the difference only you can make.
The world needs you. Of the billions of people on this planet, only you can offer what only you have to give. Indeed, that is the reason you are here on this planet, this very something you have to offer that only you can give. Connect to your authentic passions, interests, and to the power of your natural inclination. Then make a contribution to those around you accordingly. Also, by stepping into your truest and greatest self, know that you are gifting the world with the full and uninhibited splendor of who you really are. This will not only empower you, it will empower everyone with whom you come into contact. Just being Y-O-U—in an energetic, inspired, resolute way—will inspire others and serve as a powerful offering to the greater good.