Meet Naomi


Greetings, you!

I’m delighted you’ve found your way here and I’m certain that synchronicity had a hand in it.

Let me introduce myself. I’m a writer, transformational teacher, consultant, and former Ivy League professor. My greatest passion is to contribute to the healing of division and the embrace of oneness. The path that we need to take to get there is a bit counter-intuitive, because it’s the path of self-knowledge.

Little do we tend to know that the crafting of a more harmonious societal landscape starts with knowing who we are as individuals… and with honoring who we are as individuals. By learning to be at one with ourselves, we are then able to learn to be at one with others, whether loved ones, or total strangers.

Now for a little something about me… since this is, after all, my “about” page.

Truth be told, I’m not a fan of labels. 

You and I may well share that in common. You may be, like me, the bearer of an identity—personal, professional, cultural, and more—that goes deeper and broader than meets the eye. That bleeds outside the lines. And by extension causes you to be a proactive and dedicated colorer outside the lines.

I’m neither a leader nor a follower.

I’m a teacher and a life-long student. I’m a “way-shower” who wishes to help you find your own way and follow your own inner compass. I’m a loving finger pointing you down a path you may wish to explore. Walking shoulder-to-shoulder with everyone else, I illuminate steps you can take toward greater freedom, fulfillment and quality of life. Even in this world gone mad.

I’m a creature of the cross-roads.

Of African American and Swedish American heritage, I live at the intersection of blackness and whiteness. A dual citizen of the US and Canada, I live at the intersection between nations. An interracial adoptee, who at the age of nineteen reunited with my birth parents—and found they had married each other after my birth—I live at the intersection of two different families. My life circumstances didn’t allow for neat belonging or for the taking of sides. Life forced me to see through a lens of  both/and.

I’m an artist of life, an adventurer, and a keen observer of people and places.

Travel is a favorite pastime and I adore soaking up the vibes of any place on this planet. Whether it be the Bight of Benin, Belgium, Bali, Belize, Britain, or the Bahamas, experiencing other cultures—especially in an immersive way—has offered me a powerful education.

I’m a wellness warrior and a healer.

I was named “A Woman to Watch in Wellness” by wellness behemoth MindBodyGreen in partnership with the popular fitness brand Athleta. To me, it’s precisely “optimal well-being”—for the greatest possible number of people the planet over—that is the prize we should be aspiring to claim.

And follow my calling is exactly what I did.

Being a writer, guide, and transformational teacher—providing pathways toward personal and socio-cultural integration—is precisely that deeper calling of my soul.

And that is why I’m extra pleased that you found your way here and are reading these words. It’s an honor and pleasure to invite you to explore with me. I hope you will join me in angling toward new and improved ways of going about things, evolving as individuals and raising our game as a society, when it comes to how we regard one another, and how we treat one another as fellow human beings.

I'm a mom of three.

My two daughters and my son are the lights of my life. They’ve taught me so much more than I could ever have taught them! AND at the same time, I'm a free-spirit, a loner, and a fierce solo artist.

I am a passionate seeker and sharer of wisdom.

I love to open hearts and minds through my writing, speaking, teaching, and consulting.

I’m a mentor and guide, with a mystical and shamanic bent.

In the capacity of intuitive and energy healer, I’ve served thousands of clients of all backgrounds, scattered throughout the globe, over the past couple decades. That includes people from all walks of life, and includes many household names in publishing, politics, personal development, fashion, entertainment, and the arts.

I have a strong intellectual streak.

A passion for learning led me to earn a PhD. My dissertation was about how we can better navigate the nuances of “human difference.”

There I was, a single mother of a toddler, wondering if I’d finish my dissertation on time for my intended graduation date.

The phone rang early on a Sunday morning. It was a well-known professor at Harvard calling to offer me a prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowship. I accepted and taught Black Studies and Women’s Studies there for two years.

From there, I was hired at Yale, where I remained for ten years. Eight years in, I put in a two-year notice letting it be known I would be walking away from academia to pursue the calling of my soul.