My Services For Authors

1:1 only. I’m the ultimate book lover and the quintessential word smith. How I will adore being of support to you in any arena related to your writing. That includes masterminding your book; creating an outline; refining your book’s angle; editing to improve the quality of your ideas AND writing.

I offer ghost-writing; thought leader development for your book-promoting journey; a six-month book launch plan showcasing your strengths, passions, and interests.

I’ve helped MANY people author their books, including multiple bestsellers. I’ve also written three books myself which are currently at various stages of the publishing process. That’s in addition to having written a doctoral dissertation that got me hired at Harvard, then Yale, right out of grad school, where I taught literature and cultural theory for twelve years, before walking away to pursue a more spiritual and soulful path.

It will be an honor and a joy to serve as your midwife as you birth your beautiful, powerful book. One that you’re proud of and eager to present… to a world that’s hungry for it.

Silver Level

An inspiring 6-month journey to get a draft of your book written. I will help you to help yourself. I will guide you powerfully. I will proactively assist you in masterminding, strategizing, and structuring your creative efforts. I will hold you accountable and offer you palpable directives. You will do the implementing and carry the ball.

Platinum Level

You pick the pace, selecting either a 3-month OR 6-month journey to get a draft of your book written. At this level you will receive powerful guidance from me; proactive masterminding of your manuscript, and hands-on help implementing the guidance I offer you. Aka, I will generously oversee your writing process.

Diamond Level

An “all-in” 3-month or 6-month journey to a polished manuscript. This level is ideal for people in high stakes situations that carry a measure of urgency. Maybe you have a publishing contract already in effect. Or a looming deadline you need to meet and with grace and gusto. Or you are adamant this must be a bestseller.

Writing a book is beautiful and brutal. Holy and hellacious. Magical and messy. Drawing on my intuition and intellect, I will steward, guide, and inspire you through a rewarding creative process. We will roll with the inevitable soars and dips of the writing journey, while remaining steadfastly devoted to bringing the project to fruition. We will generate an outcome that sings.