Live on the Bullseye of You

Be you.
Be who you really are.
Live your truth.
Flex your sovereignty.

Exercise the courage…
To stand apart.

Be bold…
Dare to be different.

Be unique.

Be irreverent.
Outright eccentric…
IF you’re so called.

Dance to the beat of your own drum.
Let your true colors show…
In all their dazzling, kaleidoscopic splendor.

Sing the song of your soul.
The one that you are divinely encoded—and called—to sing.
The song ONLY you can sing.

Be weird!
Out of the ordinary!

Be autonomous…
True to you.

That is NOT to disregard the desires or needs of others.
It’s the opposite.
It’s to trust that your truest, deepest yearnings are *coded* to serve the greater good.

You relinquish control…
Unfurl your fists…
NOT so that everything will be ruined.
But so that everything can reassemble for the betterment of all.

Be you.
Yet you *don’t* need to be loud and proud about it.
Or flagrantly flash people with it.
Or go overboard.

Be you.
With nothing to prove.
Whatever most suits you!

Be you.
Living on your bulls-eye.
At one with yourself.

There’s a compass needle within you…
to guide you toward your own true north.
Rely on it.

Don’t be misled by the sea of illusions we live within.
Don’t be fooled by voices outside you, with their myriad agendas.
Don’t betray yourself in order to conform.

Don’t angle to fit in…
Don’t abandon yourself…
out of fear you will be abandoned by others.
Whether loved ones or culture.

Honor the still, small voice within you.
Heed those inner whispers of yours.
For they are sacred.

Your personal map for your journey through this incarnation is installed within you.
Discover it!
And yield to it!

Your itinerary on the path of your destiny is one-of-a-kind.
If you honor it, it will take you off the beaten trail.
It will set you FREE.
Free to be one with divine will.

Aligning with divine will is ever a preferable path to alignment with the human will. It will lead you into brand new territory.

The territory of higher meaning.
And of deeper purpose.

The territory of synchronicity…
Of magic…
And of alchemy.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

You Are An Original