1.  We overcome our propensity to divide and cordon ourselves off and instead honor our intrinsic Oneness. We shift from our default state of “separation consciousness” to an “interconnectivity consciousness.”

2.  We transform our state of consciousness to see through a lens of love. For love IS a state of consciousness… And residing in the energy of love opens portals for healing and metamorphosis… It facilitates miracles.

3.  Our hearts are open… pulsing… beating… bursting… FEELING. Open to each other as humans… open to life… open to the inevitable ups and downs of our one-of-a-kind s/hero’s journey.

7.  We choose LOVE over fear… and over hatred. Aka, we trust in our destiny… we trust in others… we trust in ourselves. We have courage in the face of life’s inevitable challenges, mysteries, and unknowns… Indeed, the word courage means “to proceed with HEART.”

8. We transmute our aversion to and neurotic avoidance of death into a true love of life… an unbridled love of life on its own terms.

9.  We shed our lofty *ideals* about life… learning to passionately embrace its roses AND thorns. We choose greater freedom by releasing our intense craving for sanitization, ease, and perennial smooth sailing. For what a boring plotline that would be! It’s when we let go of our notions, concepts, and “shoulds” that we can truly LIVE!!

10.  Wisdom makes a comeback… higher knowing makes a comeback… balance is restored between yin and yang… doing and being… “victim” and “villain.” We wed our status as spirits with our status as humans. This EMPOWERS us mightily.

11.  The “me” and the “we” are prioritized equally. Individuality is taken seriously because every one of us is a solo artist. AND we truly care about and proactively tend to the well being of others.

12.  Money is no longer the topmost currency. LOVE is the topmost currency. We humans—with hearts and souls open—are the currency!! Our well-being, individually and collectively, is the highest priority. We live the truth that WE *are* the precious gems, the overflowing treasure chest, a most valuable resource!! We come to know that our worth is infinite and intrinsic.

4.  We KNOW collectively that we are Spirits having a human experience and we bear in mind that we are ALL seeds of divinity. We HONOR our connection to a higher intelligence.

5.  We connect to our soul… it awakens… it’s ablaze… We activate our intuition… our gut instincts… our inner compass… our third eye… our sixth sense… We see past the surface of things. We peer into the invisible. We tap into the ancient wisdom. We land in the higher Truth. This connects us to guidance… and living with PURPOSE and meaning.

6. We shift from a paradigm of surviving to one of THRIVING. That requires a shift in how we see things way more than it requires a shift in circumstances. And that’s the secret. We have to CHOOSE to be in a state of wonder rather than of worry.