12 Tenets For Thriving

Beloved Earthling…

Here is my recipe for wellness… for soundness… for your chance at having a vastly improved quality of life.

1.  Be your organic self. Your natural self. Your authentic self. Be who you really are. Get to know yourself. Honor yourself.

2.  Know of your magic. Your majesty. Your magnificence. Know that YOU are powerful. Just as you are. Know it and live as it. There is so much more to you than you’ve been taught and told.

3.  YOU—if awakened and aware—are more powerful than any system, institution, and infrastructure. You are sovereign. You have a destiny. Claim it. Live it. There is a private portal, a personal path, that’s laid out just for you.

4.  Awaken from the dream… See through the m@trix… Live outside the box.

5.  Don’t fall for the latest “trends”—the trauma porn and the constant crises—as they’re fed to us one after another, in the news, in our social media feeds. Be true to your inner compass. Your own purpose. Stay in your own sacred lane. Don’t fall for the various ruses designed to keep us distracted, disoriented, and not thinking clearly.

6. Live your life attuned to THE ISSUES OF YOUR LIFE more so than to the issues of our times. Don’t fall for the latest version of “the sky is going to fall.” Always ask yourself WHY this topic is being dangled before you. Ask how it’s intended to make you feel. And make sure YOU are in charge of your emotional responses.

7.  Question everything. Above all question why we humans are being conditioned to live in a chronic state of fear, foreboding, dread, anxiety, worry, shame, and guilt. Don’t fall for the fear-mongering!

8.  Choose LOVE over fear. Love yourself. Love others. Love Mama Gaia. Love God. Love life.

9.  Fear not death. There is no such thing. We are eternal beings. The soul lives on. The body is as a sacred, magical, costume that gets shed at the end of each incarnation.

10.  Pray. Passionately. Pour out your heart to divinity. Offer a praise-song. Share your desires, visions, and commands with the cosmos. Add your stream of consciousness to the mix. Prayer moves the needle. Prayer is the ticket.

11.  Detoxify yourself and your life. Drink cleansed water. Eat the food God makes, not food from a factory. Eat organic. Explore fasting.

12.  Don’t use toxic beauty care or housecleaning products.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer


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