Problems Call us to Grow

You are on a one-of-a-kind s/hero’s journey. Your path is perfect, even with its glaring imperfections.

Your pain has purpose and higher meaning.
Your blocks carry the codes for the breakthroughs and the blessings that are to come.

Whatever the content of your personal set of challenges—be it in relationship, career, finances, health, or your spiritual journey—there is no sweet-spot of pain that could be more perfectly designed to catapult you forward and upward on your path.

Yes, within your problems lies a catapult. They contain the seeds of a shortcut to the desired destination.

The problems double as a wormhole to get you where you wish to be… provided, of course, that it’s aligned with the dictates of your divine design, your life’s blueprint, and your inner whispers.

Your authentic desires and preferences are not only allowed… they matter tremendously.

They are all-important. For they are divinely encoded within you. Your wants, needs, visions, hungers, and desires for your life matter.

The thing is they do have to be aligned. Soul-led. Life-led. They can’t be conceptual wants. They can’t be mere lofty ideas and ideals for your life.

They have to be FELT as a tension and a lust-for-life within you. They have to be true and authentic. They have to be a match for who you are AND who you know full well you’re meant to be.

Your desires are to be honored, especially those that emanate from you organically, as you become ever more healed, whole, and integrated within yourself.

As a matter of fact, the more healed and whole you become, the more you’ll find yourself *unable* to conform, comply, toe the line, and do other people’s bidding.

The problems in your life are calibrated to get you on track. On track to what’s true and right for you. On track to what’s truly wanted and desired by you.

Your problems are also calibrated to help you become a match for getting a YES answer to the most impassioned and most authentic prayers of your heart.

Your problems are designed to help you grow, to sink into ever more of who you truly are… and to dial In your self-care, your self-mastery, and your leadership over your own life.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

12 Tenets For Thriving


Your Worth is Intrinsic