Be Who You Were Born To Be

Nobody can take YOU away from you.
For always… on the deeper, truer registers… there you still are.

From birth, the world schools us… molds us… indoctrinates us.

And yet… we are nature AND nurture. An authentic self lies beneath and beyond whatever we’re taught and told about who we are.

It’s the trend in certain formally educated circles to insist that everything is socially constructed. That humans are a blank canvas that get painted upon and indelibly stained with the erroneous ways of this world.

And that’s only half true. Because indelibly stained by this flawed world we are indeed. But what’s categorically NOT true is that we are a hapless blank canvas being splattered upon.

It’s up to we ourselves to locate ourselves and take up space within the messy, in-progress world we find ourselves living within.

On one hand, we are in and of the world, shaped by it, fundamentally inseparable from it. The world is within us every bit as much as we are in the world.

On the other hand, the world is our foil. Our backdrop. Our obstacle race. Designed to develop us…. to challenge us… to forge us… to alchemize us in its fires.

It’s this self that is both being and becoming… and it’s this self that we must locate, identify, and retrieve.

We must find ourselves… precisely in the face of the mess of the world.

We must discover ourselves, within the exact set of circumstances life has placed us within.

For within us is a truer, deeper self…. A self that exists beyond who its been taught and told to be.

Within you is a set of ingredients the world may never even have mentioned to you. You have within you your own unique ingredients that correspond to your unique background and your unique programming.

You have within you your own way of seeing things… of experiencing things… You have your very own essence… your very own soul print… your very own make-up… Your very own way of responding to life and dancing with life.

You have your own gifts, endowments, passions, and interests. Honor them! Develop them! Pursue them! Hone them!

Be who you really are. It’s your birthright.
Be who you are meant to be… Not who the world has told you to be.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

Bedazzle Your Incarnation


You Are An Original