Bedazzle Your Incarnation

Bedazzle your incarnation.
Bejewel it.
Decorate it in neon light filaments.
Affix it with whatever bells and whistles will make it sing.

Our life need not be easy or flush in order for it to sing…

Our life need not be in perfect order for its background music to play… pleasing, delectable, harmonic sounds.

Let your life sing.
Let it rip.
Let it MATTER.
Live your life to the fullest.
Whatever that means to you.

Make your life the most grand adventure possible.
On your own terms.
Fashion it into an epic odyssey.

Choose your highest timeline.
Be that shooting star.
Striking awe in the nighttime sky.

Pick the most fascinating lane to ride in.
The one most fascinating to YOU.

Follow the path that most truly fulfills you.
Set out toward true, rich satisfaction.

Demand of life and of yourself an undeniable, full-throttle satiation.

Optimize your life path.
Calculate exactly what that would mean for you.
What it would require of you.
From right where you are.

Aim your steering wheel toward greener pastures…
Strewn with wildflowers.
Toward a sprawling verdant meadow dotted with blooms of kaleidoscopic color.

Raise the caliber of your life…
By being truly you.
By honoring your god-given desires, which stir within you.

Discover and uncover those desires.
Then hand them to yourself.

I’m not talking about our endless stream of petty, superficial WANTS.
I’m talking about honoring our soul’s true, deep hungers.

Let’s feed ourselves a chef’s meal.
Let’s not refuse ourselves that nourishment, nutrition, and nurturing… so deeply craved and coveted within ourselves.

Let us not go without…
When we could just as soon go WITH.
Let us go WITH the things that truly matter to us.

Not the attachments, enmeshments, co-dependencies, and addictions.

The premium grade soul fuel and spirit feeding.
That adds sparkle.
Crackling life force.
Deep fulfillment.

Festoon your life in the finery of meaningful experience.
Deck it out in beauty.
Wrap yourself in the ever-present warming, healing divine embrace.

Pursue your true purpose.
Whatever feels purposeful for you.
Whatever brings forth your passion...
brings you joy…
makes your heart soar.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

Your Conformity is a Sin


Be Who You Were Born To Be