Feelings Link us to Source

Our feelings hold divine codes.
They are a part of our connection to the higher intelligence of our universe.

One of the most powerful things we can do—on our path of self-mastery and of seeking to know God—is to feel our feelings.
To feel them fully and thoroughly.
To familiarize ourselves with our emotional landscape.

Our feelings contain our truth.
Our actual truth.
Our truth beyond our lofty ideals and platitudes and aphorisms.

Our truth beyond what we believe we should believe.

If you are “unemotional” and live cut off from your feelings… you are living without your rudder. You are living without your ethereal operating instructions. You are living without attuning to the subtle whispers of your trusty inner GPS.

You know what’s truly meant for you by how it *feels*. Take seriously your feelings. Tap into them. Be brutally honest about them. And honor them.

With your feelings as your trusty compass, orient your life so that it faces the sun. One foot after the other, follow the trail of stepping stones into the magic that awaits.

You deserve a life of sunshine. Fulfillment. And you can absolutely have that. You can bequeath yourself with those warm and healing rays.

You are at choice on your life path, no matter where you find yourself. You’re endowed with more options than you tend to be accounting for.

And miracles are the natural order of things.
Trust in this.

Exercise your agency. Honor your potency. Be the captain of your fate.

Choose inspiration. Choose fun. Choose joy. Choose harmony. Even if *loss* is the price you have to pay for these gains.

Yes, you may have to lose some things in order to make room for what will actually make your spirit rise. And yet you can’t technically lose something that’s truly yours.

So pare down, willingly. Let go of what’s extraneous. Let go of what’s holding you back and keeping you down.

Let go of what’s heavy and weighty and cumbersome. Set down the baggage.

Choose lightness of being… joy… passion… spaciousness… symbiosis… synchronicity… liberation.

Determine for yourself what’s true and right for you.

Draw boundaries around the things that aren’t for you. Pull away from the things that aren’t a fit for you.

Relinquish what’s not match for you. Put down the things that aren’t meant for you.

Be the leader of your life.
Take the wheel.
Take the risk.
Be your own boss.

Give ever less weight to the authority of others.
Put ever less stock in the agendas of others.
Find artful, soulful ways to exit agreements that have expired and deals that have long since run their course.

Yes, there is always a path to your freedom… a path that’s beckoning and lit up in lights. It’s the God-led path.

On the God-led path, you’re protected, mysteriously and against all odds. It’s a path on which, “through God, all things are possible.”

Love + Oneness,


Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer


Know Thyself: What it Entails


On The Great Awakening