On The Great Awakening

Our culture—and the individuals that comprise it—are slowly but surely evolving to higher levels.

Many of us are seeing beyond division.
Our hearts embracing human Oneness and interconnectivity.

Right about now…
Even amidst the pain, the suffering, the mess, and the violence of this world…
And perhaps BECAUSE of it…

Many of us are “awakening.”

For many of us—even through the crises and catastrophes humanity is mired in—the serpentine kundalini coil is slowly spiraling its way up our spine.

That’s bringing more of ourselves online.
It’s adding to our wisdom.
Increasing our life force.
Enhancing our creative prowess.

It’s opening our eyes more widely.
Activating our third eye.

With our eyes truly open…
We find we can <see>.
As if we’ve put on 5-D glasses.

Now we see details, dimensions, layers, and nuances we had entirely overlooked.

Now we see differently.
For the new lens offers up new angles to see from.

Now we can see things from multiple angles…
Startled by the oversimplified, black and white way we used to see things.

With this, the world looks different now than it did before.

It looks different because it is different.
Change is the only constant.

It looks different, as well, because *we* are now different.
We’ve expanded and up-leveled.
We are taking in a vaster vista.

We’re seeing through the thick veil of illusion.
We can’t unsee what we’ve seen through.

We’re seeing the spin.
We’re seeing the skewing of truth in every direction.
We’re seeing the stirring of the pot.

We’re seeing the mind games.
We’re seeing the distractions being dangled.
We’re seeing the divide and conquer agendas at play.

We’re seeing it all around us.
And we’re putting up boundaries.
We don’t want these energies in our field.
We don’t wish to be yanked by the chain.

We’re seeing through the systems and the societal structures.

We’re seeing through our public figures and our so-called leaders.

We’re seeing the corruption and the greed… the craven placing of profits over people…

And the daemonic valuing of some people over others.

We’re owning the value of ourselves…
and rejecting hierarchies in any form…
No one above or below anyone else.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer


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