Understand Differing Views

We think we’re right.
We’re darn sure of it!!

We can’t believe others see things the way they do.
We deem them idiots… dolts… buffoons.

How can they be so deluded… so deceived… so distorted in their thinking.

The thing is…
They’re equally certain of their rightness.

And in all likelihood they see us as an idiot, a dolt, a buffoon.

They see us just as we see them…
As deluded, deceived, and distorted.

People think they have a monopoly on the truth.

People believe the truth is absolute.

And people think they themselves are locked into truth… standing on the bullseye.

Here’s the thing.

Perceptions are ALWAYS from a particular angle.

Our worldview is the product of where life has placed us.

We can only see things through our very own interpretive lens.

And that’s true for every one of us.

Our interpretive lens is the product of our unique programming; our unique personality; our unique divine design; our unique background; and our unique social positioning.

Our interpretive lens is unique to us.

It’s the product of the insight and wisdom we’ve amassed along the path of our one-of-a-kind s/hero’s journey,

I personally believe some of us have a more sophisticated outlook on life… and a more nuanced outlook… Some of us are more reflective and deep than others.

But everyone experiences life through their own lens.

Even within our camps… our categories… our “tribes”… we see things slightly differently from the others.

We might pretend to see eye-to-eye…
Some of us endowed with less courage to stand alone and express our originality.

But we all experience life a little differently from EVERYONE else.

We all have a unique positioning of one.

We all have our own truths.
We all have our very own “situated knowledges.”
A particular window onto life that is ours alone.

Let’s honor our truth.
And be more accepting of the truths of others.

Let’s be more patient with other people’s truths…
Not taking them so personally.
Or so seriously.

Let’s pledge to OURSELVES be more understanding of where others are coming from.
Even if we don’t like it or approve of it.

Let’s be more expansive.
More receptive.
More empathic.
More insightful.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer


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