Life Unfolds in Cycles

To master the art of living…
We must embrace the full, entire, comprehensive cycle of life.

We must embrace the design of life.
With its pendulum swings.
Losses and gains.
Endings and beginnings.

We humans…
We cling to the old…
to what’s known…
to what’s familiar.

We do so despite the whispers of destiny…
luring us onward…
guiding us into greener pastures…
into vaster horizons…
into the epic adventures that await.

Destiny being designed for EVOLUTION…
in service to forward, upward, onward motion.

Destiny not enamored of devolution.
Or digression.

Destiny no fan of stuckness.
Not in favor of stasis.
Unimpressed by our perennial SELF-limiting as humans.
Individually and collectively.
Our very own foot on our very own neck.

Things are either blooming or they’re dying…
We must learn to discern the authentic state of which is which.

Let us remove the emergency brake we perpetually have on as humans.
Let us remove the brakes…
And instead get into gear.

For we are not ultimately in command of the unfolding of destiny.
We are to yield and surrender to it.

We are foolish to cling to the old…
when the new is *literally* dying to be born.

There is a higher power calling the shots.
We are wise to track those shots…
To read them…
And to heed to them.

We are wise to align with the downstream current.
To surrender to the flow of where life is leading us.
Rather than beat dead horses.
And mount uphill battles…
To resolutely keep the old alive.

In order to live well…
we must be willing to let things die.
To not keep them endlessly on life support.
Already dead, despite our continued expenditure of time, energy, thought, care, and attention…
Still endlessly fanning the bellows.

Endings are sacred and must be attuned to.
They must be recognized for what they are.
And honored.

Things must be seen for what they are.
The writing on the wall read, soberly, honestly. Whether we like what it says or not.

Death means a divine hand is in it.
We must heed the divine directives.
We must prefer God’s preferences over and above our own.
We are to be God’s servant rather than make God our servant, in the fulfillment of wishes.

May GOD’s will be done.
Remembering that death ALWAYS heralds a new beginning…
every bit as much as an ending.

We are wise to accept, embrace, and befriend death.
To honor its rightful place in the cycle of life.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

Your Worth is Intrinsic


Let Us Live… Freely