Your Worth is Intrinsic

Do you know that your worthiness is a given… that it’s unconditional… that it’s embedded in simply being who you are?

Do you bear in mind that “being who you are” is the gold standard?

And that…
YOU are the currency.

Do you know your value?

Do you know you’re worth more than diamonds and platinum?

Do you know that “who you are” matters infinitely more than “what you do”?

The greatest achievement is not awards or accolades or riches.
It’s being YOU.
It’s being authentic.

It’s living in honor of the True North of your own inner compass.
It’s heeding your own inner whispers…
no matter where they lead you.

For the greatest achievement is walking hand-in-hand with divinity.

YOU are the currency…
But it’s up to YOU, and only you, to know it.

It’s up to you to learn to validate yourself.
It’s up to you to learn to approve of yourself.

It’s a double-sided equation.
Because you have to value and approve of yourself, *unconditionally*.

You have to gift yourself your love of self.
You have to gift yourself your belief in yourself.
You have to gift yourself your own endorsement.

And yet you also have to value and approve of yourself *conditionally*.

You have to scan yourself honestly…
to find those places within you that need development.

You have to close those gaps where who you profess to be does not match who you actually are.

You have to look soberly and honestly at yourself.
You have to poke around in your inner landscape.
With your eyes and your mind wide open.

You have to get honest about your deficiencies, downsides, and shortcomings.
You have to see these for yourself.

And you have to develop those parts of yourself.

AND you have to love yourself unwaveringly…
even while facing your very real deficiencies.

The more you grow and evolve, the more you will SEE your own deficiencies…
And the more you’ll be willing to face them.

No longer will you falsely inflate yourself.
No longer will you enshroud yourself in a web of lies about your innocence and others’ guilt.

No longer will you deflect and project your own “stuff” onto others.

No longer will you point your finger over at others, while ignoring the three fingers pointing back at you.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

Problems Call us to Grow


Life Unfolds in Cycles