Light and Dark Are One

Within me, light and dark are one.
They’re blended, mingled, melded, and fused…
undeniably… irreversibly.

Within all of us, light and dark are one.
Each having its rightful place…
its rightful role.
Each side of the polarity creating a whole, forming two sides of the very same coin.

Light and dark are one.
We and They are one.
Good and bad are one.

They dance in endless interplay.
They require and co-constitute each other.
They egg each other on…
to deepen and enrich each other.

They *co-operate*, operating in tandem…
working together…
as if with a secret handshake.

Lightness and darkness each have their glory.
And yet, some of us are light workers.
Some of us are star seeds.

Some of us have signed up for a sacred assignment to be the light…
to shine our light…
to light the way…
into a different and better world.

The irony is, no true light worker is afraid of the dark.

No authentic star seed avoids the murky depths and the shadow side of life.

No true light worker shies away from human pain, struggle, and suffering.

No true star seed is unaware of the very real hurt and trauma that’s rampant in every direction.

Any bonafide light worker has been tried and tested…
fully initiated by the darkness…
intensely squeezed…
scorched in the fires of personal alchemy…
For only then is a light worker born.

There is no light without the darkness.
The darkness is glorious unto itself.
We need not make an enemy of it…
or attribute negativity to it…
We need only understand it more…
embrace it more…
allow it more…
and accept it more.

We need only light our little match…
or our glowing candle…
or our incandescent light bulb…
or our high beam headlights…
or our blazing inner sunlight…
to be bringers of the light to the dark.

Honoring the dark…
working with the dark…
taking as a given that the stars twinkle against a black blanket of sky…

Taking as a given that human life—star children that we are—is birthed from the sacred darkness of the womb.

And so let us give the dark its due…
shine our approval upon it…
all while beaming our light…
all while upholding our commitment to be bringers of the light…
Bringers of the dawn…
Bringers of the new.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

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