Your Worldview is Unique

We all see differently based on where life has placed us. Based on what we’ve undergone in our lives.

Those of us who are mixed or affiliated with more than one culture wind up with a front row seat to that Truth.

The hybrid among us can see, by default, how readily others believe their own beliefs… rather than questioning their own beliefs.

It’s startling to behold people’s over-confidence in their own rightness… and other people’s wrongness.

It’s startling how readily we make others wrong… judging them… maligning them… frowning upon them… looking down on them… assuming them to be “bad.”

We assume that others will see the same way we do… that they *should* see things the way we do. And what could be more ignorant than that?

We live in a world of contrast… variation… diversity.

It’s ridiculous to think the world will ever reflect anything other than a vast range of *difference*.

It’s our #1 task as humans to learn to navigate one another’s differences more effectively. No more coercion into a cookie cutter way of being. No more demanding that others be more like us.

Many are quick to assess other people as “misbehaving”… when actually they are simply being who they are… in their good, bad, ugly, and beautiful.

Maybe they have a call to grow, sure, but don’t we all?

What if no one is misbehaving?
What if it’s on us to change and not on them?
What if there’s a lot *we* have to learn?

What if it’s OUR task to be a lot more self-reflective…
And to learn to UNDERSTAND others a whole lot more?

What if it’s our task to ask why others see the way they do… and to listen… <hear>… truly take it in?

What if it’s our task to learn to LOVE ACROSS OUR DIFFERENCES. Instead of to castigate and cast aspersions on others.

What if we are meant to learn to see the other in ourselves and ourselves in the other?

What if ALL others are a mirror for us to see ourselves in?

What if ALL others are a reflection of ourselves? What if we judge the exact things in others that we are disavowing in ourselves? Or things we’ve just yesterday outgrown and set down, if we’re honest.

When we point a finger at others, THREE fingers point back at you know who.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

Unity Begins With U


Light and Dark Are One