Question. Wonder. Stay Curious.

Stay forever curious. About yourself… about others… about life… about the world.

Keep learning… Keep asking… Don’t just readily believe what others believe—loved ones, public figures, or “news” outlets.

Don’t let yourself be cordoned off into a camp. Don’t align with doctrine, dogma, or demagoguery.

Nothing splits neatly into either/or. Life is all grey areas. Life is both/and.

Try not to “react”… Try not to go straight to outrage, offended-ness, doomsday thinking, and victim consciousness.

Transcend "we" and "they." Dance beyond division. Pirouette beyond polarity.

When it comes to any given issue that presents itself: QUESTION!! Quest… Inquire… Grapple… Tussle… Read between the lines.

Think for yourself!! See for yourself!!

See THROUGH the narrative, the spin, the angles, the manipulation, the thought control, the lies.

See deeply and then see deeper still. See beyond the surface. See through your third eye. See through the lens of your heart.

See through your soul. For there in the layers, complexities, nuances, and depths … lies the truth of our predicament. And seeing the truth… will set you free.

Think for yourself! See for yourself!

Trust your own intrinsic KNOWING. For it is possible to just KNOW, directly and confidently, as a gut feeling.

Believe (in) YOURSELF!!

Don’t take the bait. Don’t let yourself get hooked in. Don’t be duped. Don’t react.

Stay sovereign… self-governing… autonomous.

Stay soul-led… Stay heart-led… Stay aligned with Source… Stay aligned with a higher power… Walk hand-in-hand with the Supreme Being.

Be guided… Listen to and heed your inner guidance… Follow unwaveringly, courageously the True North of your inner compass.

“If God is with me, who can be against me…”
If the supreme being is with me, then no matter how things look on the ground, all is truly well.

Indeed, if the supreme being is with me… in communion, in oneness… then that power trumps by *a long shot* any power vested in a cough-cough “supreme” court.

WE humans are powerful. All of us. No matter our background. No matter our gender or race. We are powerful beyond measure. We are magical. We are wizards, all.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

Freedom Starts From Within