The Imagination is Mighty

What are you IMAGINING?
And are you remembering to truly exercise your imagination?

Because it matters!
It’s all-important.
Though we’re not taught this within our culture and society.

The imagination holds the key.
The power of the imagination to help set the terms for our reality is supreme.

We can imagine into being a whole new reality.
We can birth a better world.
We can manifest infinitely improved circumstances for ourselves AND others.

This is why the “powers that be” are constantly planting doomsday scenarios into our line of vision.
So that we start to IMAGINE these scenarios are true (even though they’re at core lies, manipulations, and deceptions).

And then we set our compass to these illusions. Which means we are technically using our imaginations in a distorted way… our worry serving as an “imagining” of the worst.

Our worry serving as a prayer for what we *don’t* want.

Let’s ask ourselves then
What am I PROJECTING onto reality?
Because whatever it is, it’s contributing to the canvas… to what’s pictured on that canvas.

This world could be healed in an instant if only we underwent a REORIENTATION in how we’re relating to life and reality.

We have the equation backward, thinking that we live in “response” to life. Thinking that we “react” to life. Thinking that we “answer” to life.

In actuality, life delivers to us that which we “expect” to happen. Forever giving us proof of what we already believe, in an ever-intensifying crescendo.

Life will provide us with experiences that are an exact match for NOT just what we expect consciously… but what we expect subconsciously.

Hence the importance of the IMAGINATION to help escort us beyond the everyday limitations of our vision and outlook.

Let’s query courageously:
In what ways are we creating the reality we see before us?

In what ways are we expecting the worst and/or fearing the worst and/or bracing for the worst?

What snapshots of reality are you taking?
How are you perceiving of that which lies before you?
Because our very own interpretive lens is setting the terms for what we see.

As the saying goes:
We don’t see things as THEY are.
We see things as WE are.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

Our Feelings Are Guides


Joy Within Life’s Trials