Our Feelings Are Guides

The best kept secret around…
Is that feelings matter.
They matter tremendously.
Even if they are mercurial and messy.
Even if they are inconvenient and disruptive.

Who would accuse the ocean waves of being too unleashed… too wild… when the ebbs, flows, dips, swells, and white caps are par for the course.

We are oceanic, we humans.
Yet we live so hemmed in.
As if our waves have been tamped down with a giant sheet of plexiglass.

Under our sheet of plexiglass we try our best to live.
And we wonder why we’re not truly happy.

We attempt to contain what’s not actually contained.
We attempt to tame what’s not actually tame.
We attempt to control what ultimately can’t and won’t be controlled.

For our heart matters.
A life truly well lived requires us to open our heart.
To take the risk!

And with our heart open…
It’s inevitable…
We will FEEL.

We will feel the whole spectrum.
We will feel the good and the bad.
The beautiful and the ugly.

And as we feel, we will be led.
To where we’re meant to go.
Our feelings a trusty compass.
They will speak to us and guide us.

They will override our lofty, high-minded truths with our *actual* truest truths.
Our messy truths.
Messy indeed, yet no longer mired in a web of lies we’re telling ourselves.

Lies requiring us to not feel.
Lies requiring us to override our heart.
And ignore our heart.

The truth will set us free.
And our truth can only be felt with the heart.

As we feel, we integrate. Assimilate. Alchemize.

As we feel, we come home to ourselves.
We become at one with ourselves.

The price of the prize…
The prize of Oneness and wholeness…
Of soundness and wellness…
Is to feel.

If we’re not feeling…
We truly don’t know what’s truly true for ourselves.
If we’re not feeling, we’re stuck in our heads.
We’re limited to concepts and notions.

If we’re not feeling, we’re a slave to the cerebral.
Led by logic.

And logic without heart is a recipe for lifelessness.
It’s a recipe for a robotic life.
Of filling the functions.
And going through the motions.
And honoring our credos…
Rather than living out our actual dharma.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer


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