Unlock Your Prison Door

We think we’re free…
But it’s an illusion.

And if we look closely… and closer still…
The bars of our cell come into focus.

“Awakening” spiritually is as much about suddenly SEEING the entrapment that permeates our lives…
As it is about becoming God-realized.

Awakening, we now see a new universe dancing before our eyes…
We “awaken” to the fact that we’re not so free.

We get hip to the webs of lack, limitation, temptation, and distraction we are forever being shoe-horned into by the culture.

We realize the rules, norms, and expectations are invisible walls we live within.

Awakening, we come to realize we’re in a metaphorical prison.
And that we are complying with its rules.
And that in our consent to it, we are a match for it.

It’s a prison of your own making…
In fact, the prison IS you.

It’s such a paradox.
Because it’s not a call to lay blame upon the self for our confinement.

It’s just to recognize—with love—that what keeps us trapped and stuck in our lives is we ourselves.

Granted, it doesn’t seem like it’s we ourselves.
It seems circumstantial.

It seems the limitations are outside of us…
aimed toward us.
But we have the “cause and effect” equation in reverse order.

The confining circumstances are the product of our own worldview.
As in, we’ve concocted this plotline of ours, without realizing it.

We are the arbiters of our own life’s unfoldings.
And thereby, we are willingly doing time in our prison cell…
while also being the prison guard, keeping the key stowed away out of our reach.

To break out of our prison…
We have to break out of the confines of *who we are*.
As Joe Dispenza puts it, to break free, we have to “break the habit of being ourselves.”

It’s our self concept that creates our reality.
Our worldview.
Our outlook.
Our thoughts.
Our assumptions.
That which we “expect” and presuppose and take as normal.
Our very “consciousness.”

All of it perfectly valid…
Unavoidable in a way.
Yet all of it adding up to who we are and what befalls us.

We are so much more than who take ourselves to be.
And to inhabit that more-ness…
Is to courageously retrieve that key…
and unlock our prison door…
And set ourselves free.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer


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