Your Curriculum is Custom

Our spiritual journey is unique.

A university of one.

A singular, customized curriculum fashioned for us alone.

A solo undertaking.

An utterly original plot-line.

It’s of high priority that we stop setting up our tents in whatever spiritual platitudes happen to be trending.

Let us not don the latest spiritual fashion if it doesn’t suit us or fit us.

It’s critical that we honor our unique spiritual journey.

That we not unthinkingly “adopt” other people’s spiritual truths, overriding our own with them…

Or even just subtly sell ourselves out by bending in the wind… refashioning our spiritual understandings so that they align with the going party line.

Let us learn to track… to attune to… to monitor our very own spiritual revelations. As they blossom within us. As they reveal themselves to us, uniquely. As they download into our being.

Custom truths curated and contoured for us alone. Let us stand in them. Unwavering. Unapologetic. Unashamed.

Willing to see it differently.

Willing to see it for ourselves.

Let us notice, heed, and honor our very own spiritual truths. Even as we’ll get affirmations and validations for them on our path.

The world around us will reflect for us and mirror the truths we hold within ourselves. It’s well worth the while to ensure we’re securely centered within our actual truths. Not second-hand ones… that have been handed to us by others.

The truths we’re assimilating and incorporating within ourselves—truths that adhere to our own life’s plot-line—will be validated for us. As if an underscoring. As if a highlighting. Along our life’s road.

These will take the form of divine whispers, nudges, signs, and synchronicities.

Our own inner Knowings will be bolstered and undergirded via the guideposts, the mile markers, and the teachings that rise up to greet us on our path.

These teachings we stumble into will resonate with us so deeply—for they will be the EXACT insight we needed at that exact moment—that they will feel more like a REMINDER and an AFFIRMATION of something we already knew.

So we are learning, absolutely…

But strangely, we are learning something we already know.

It’s an unveiling.

A revealing.

A dawning.

In the face of this illumination, we learn.

We therefore let go of our previously held learnings.

We therefore release what we thought we knew.

We unlearn, shedding the old views, in order to embrace the new.

We learn and we unlearn, in simultaneity.

As we awaken spiritually, we arrive in station stops, classrooms, where we amass new understandings and expanded horizons.

In those station stops we learn… and just as importantly we UNLEARN. We shed and release outmoded perspectives and attachments. And we let in the new.

And yet it’s a self that’s expanded… *more*… continually being discovered and rediscovered.

That is not an underscoring of our intrinsic self-centeredness, as in the ego-inflated version thereof.

This is an invitation to be centered within the self. To return to the self. To come home to the self. A gentle locking in as if a missing puzzle piece snapping into place.

The centeredness within the self is a soulful version. A gentle, surrendered version. We are plugged into ourselves… but without forcing or fixity.

Love + Oneness,


Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

All Roads Lead to YOU


Unlock Your Prison Door