We’re Being Poisoned

Yes… that’s what I said.

We’re being poisoned.

By bad ideas… ignorant ideas… narrow ideas… ideas that don’t add up and don’t make sense.

We’re being poisoned.
From every direction—our minds, bodies, hearts, and souls.

Pollution—and so much worse—circulates in our air, water, food, medications, beauty products, cleaning products, clothing, music…

We’re exposed to soooo much *toxicity*.

Let’s choose purity over toxicity.
WELLNESS over dis-ease.

Let’s walk a path of wellness, that leads *to* wellness.

Let’s walk a path OF health that leads TO health. Even—and especially—in this toxic world.

Let’s walk this path of wellness… naked, exposed, and vulnerable…
Humble, raw, and real in our humanity.
Quietly, thoughtfully, and nonchalantly.

That’s its own version of fearlessness. It’s softer, more Yin, yet every bit as potent a version of finding one’s courage and bravery.

Nakedly, vulnerably, let me share with you three things that concern me deeply about the state of our world.

These are the three key things that I am committed to offering pathways to rectifying… through my teaching, consulting, and passionate praying. Being fully aware that my prayers—like all prayers—have very real ripple effects.

Here they are:

1. Our immersion in fear-based thinking as a default setting, on an individual level and on a collective level. We relegate ourselves to merely surviving instead of thriving… And instead of truly living, we are avoiding dying.

Let’s choose love over fear… Let’s walk the path OF love, which is the only path TO love.

2. Our immersion in black-and-white thinking. With our willing participation in “we/they” thinking, we’ve allowed ourselves to be cordoned off into separate camps. We’ve succumbed to the aggressive divide and conquer tactics of our day.

Let’s choose Oneness over divisiveness. Let’s choose integration over segregation. Let’s choose “interconnectivity consciousness” over “separation consciousness.”

3. Our immersion in various versions of toxicity… We’re stewing in it. We’re being poisoned from every direction. Our full time job should be detoxing. Refusing to be poisoned within ourselves, refusing to be poisoned against our fellow human beings.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer


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