Reclaim Your Power

This is an invitation.
A beckoning.
An enticement.
A seduction.
A loving encouragement.

To reclaim your power.
To PROCLAIM your power.

To own your power.
To step into your power.

Your power to be unapologetically you.
Your power to set the terms for your life.
Your power to live your life in keeping with your divine design.
In alignment with your soul’s purpose.
In symphony with WHY you incarnated on this planet to begin with.

This is a nudge…
To remember…
And to live into…
The fact that:
Your personal power is powerful.

Your agency is powerful.
Your sovereignty is powerful.
Your self-authorship is powerful.

To reclaim your power, you must stop with your habitual forfeiture of your power.

To reclaim your power, you must simply reclaim it, indeed.

You must no longer tell yourself the lie that you don’t have any power.
The lie that you are a hapless victim of circumstance.

To reclaim your power, you must stop with your outward show of powerlessness…
and instead *flex*.

We are—every one of us—powerful.

And putting our powers together…
we are so much more powerful than “the powers that be.”

We must stop feeling daunted by the powers that be…
Whatever and whoever we’re giving power to…

And start marveling at the power vested *within* us.

True power is CREATIVE and not reactive.

It’s not powerful, therefore, to take a predictable stance in “Oppositional Consciousness,” and from there, rage “against” the machine.

Because that positioning disempowers the self.
It positions us “against” and “in resistance to” and as “at odds with.”

And that yields lockstep…
an impasse…
and therefore won’t yield actual lasting transformation.

True power is knowing the power of our very BEING…
the potency of our very existence…
the turbo-charge of our own electromagnetic field…
the mind-blowing endowed-ness of our very life force.

True power is BEING ourselves…
true to ourselves.

True power is BEING THE CHANGE we wish to see in the world.

True power is honoring our permanent, indelible interconnectedness with divinity.

True power is living into and as ourselves…
as who we truly are…
and who we’re meant to be.


Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

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