We’re Human… Yet More

We are only human.
With all the foibles, failings, and vulnerabilities that would suggest.

And yet we’re NOT only human at all.
We’re so much more than that.
We’re so much more than we’ve been led to believe.

We are great wizards, magicians, and creator beings. These capacities are stocked within us.

And yet many of us don’t know we have these faculties within ourselves.

We show up in the world as great Reactors rather than as great Creators.

We show up in the world as “only human” when we are seeds of divinity… made in the image of divinity.

We are god-like.
We are gods and goddesses in the making.

When people say, “I’m a goddess,” or “I’m a queen,” we are within our rights to wonder if they’re coming from their ego more so than their god-self.

When people inflate themselves to be more than human, it could be that they’re not willing to stand grounded in the fact of their “being only human.”

And yet… we truly are more than human. Every one of us.

We have been conditioned here on planet earth to not even know that being human is a glorious affair.

We’ve lived with a low ceiling over our heads… and in a limited understanding of who we are.

We’ve had our lights dimmed. And when we discover our light, and turn it on, and step into our full splendor… and awaken to the more-ness, the wonder, the infinitude of who we really are…

That’s when we discover that our luminosity *dazzles*.

In the face of our light having been dimmed…
In the face of believing ourselves to be a sad sack of mainly “Junk DNA”… (There’s zero element of junk anywhere within us, FYI)…

In the face of being reduced to our identity markers and skin tones and other matters of appearance…

In the face of being enticed to see ourselves through a distorted lens of how we perceive others to be perceiving us…

In these ways, we get trapped in being “only human.” Locked out of our true status as seeds of divinity.

And so…
We wonder if we even matter.
We seek to matter.
We crave mattering.

Having no idea how much we already do.
Our mattering is intrinsic and endowed within us.
It’s ours to claim and proclaim.

Our mattering is a matter of *self*-realization.
It’s a dawning within.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer


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