Be YOU in This Wonky World

Good day to you, my fellow explorer of unknown territory… my fellow intrepid navigator of this world gone haywire.

These are wild times. The world is changing… the old is dying and the new is being born. And it looks and feels like chaos.

It’s startling… overwhelming… unexplainable… confounding. And yet it doesn’t stop me from following my bliss… as best I can, under the bizarre, turbulent circumstances.

For my number one task—no matter the conditions around me—is to heed my inner compass.
To listen to my inner whispers.
To keep my third-eye open.
To fully activate my sixth sense.

To listen within myself is one and the same thing as to gamely walk hand in hand with Spirit.

To follow my inner guidance with unwavering trust and faith, is to follow the dictates issuing forth from the divine realm.

To be inner led, soul led, and God led… is to be in, but not of, this world.

With the state of the world, in every direction we look, it’s challenging to remain courageous… confident… optimistic… and positive.

And yet that is the key, that is the ticket, that is the path forward.

We must choose LOVE over fear… and over hatred… and over judgment… and over division.

We must choose love… over and over again… no matter what. We must love, anyway.

To choose love over fear no matter what means: even in the face of chaos, calamity, maelstrom, and madness.

To choose love over fear means: even as we proceed without a map…. Even as we embrace the unknown.

It’s actually ideal if we find ourselves living beyond the glow of our own high-beam headlights. It’s a good thing if they aren't even helping us much anymore.

It's ideal if we're on the leading edge of our destinies, surging into the fog that lies ahead of clarity and certainty and safety.

It's good if we're taking some calculated risk. It’s good if we’re summoning forth our courage.

It’s good if we are gamely spinning the wheel of fortune, having no idea where it will land.

It’s good if we are adventuring and experimenting and “not knowing” in extreme proportions.

Because that is Truth. That is the name of the game. That is to play the game of life. That is to take life on its own terms.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

How To Trust In Life


We’re Human… Yet More