Your Spiritual Journey is Unique

Our spiritual journey is unique to us.
As though we attend a cosmic university of one.

We are immersed in a singular, customized curriculum that’s designed for us alone.

Our course of study is a solo undertaking.
Our life is an utterly original plot-line.

Given the uniqueness of every one of us, it’s of high priority that we stop pitching our tents in whatever spiritual platitudes happen to be trending.

Let us not don the latest spiritual fashion, if it doesn’t suit us and doesn’t fit us.

It’s critical that we honor our own unique spiritual journey.

It’s crucial that we not unthinkingly “adopt” other people’s spiritual truths, overriding our own with them…
or even just subtly selling ourselves out by bending in the wind…
all too readily refashioning our spiritual understandings so that they align with the going party line.

Let us learn to track… to attune to… to monitor our very own spiritual revelations.
The revelations that blossom from within us.
From us.
As us.
The revelations that reveal themselves to us, uniquely.
Downloaded into our being, then birthed from within.

Let us hear, own, and claim the custom truths that are curated for us alone.

Let us stand in our own truth.

Willing to see things differently from others.
Willing to see things for ourselves.

Let us notice, heed, and honor our very own sparkling spiritual truths.

And let us notice that the truths that shine within us will be affirmed and validated for us, outside of us.

The world around us will reflect and mirror the truths we hold within ourselves.

It’s well worth the while, therefore, to ensure we’re securely centered within our actual truths. Not parroting second-hand ones… not trumpeting truths that have been handed to us by others. Or truths that aren’t true at all.

The truths we’re assimilating and incorporating within ourselves—truths that adhere to our own life’s plot-line—will be validated for us. As if an underscoring, a highlighting, along our life’s road.

Our own organic inner Knowings will meet with divine whispers, nudges, signs, and synchronicities.

Guideposts and mile markers will greet us on our path.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

Let Us Live… Freely


Let’s Reclaim Our Dignity