Let’s Reclaim Our Dignity

Let us embrace our divine dignity.
And remember it at all times.
Let us be rooted in it.

As we ride life’s rollercoaster, with its dips, swirls, and loops…
Let us stay centered in a certainty…
that we are invaluable.
By dint of being alive.
Just for existing.

Our value is not “conditional.”
It’s intrinsic.
It’s built-in.
For we are a seed of divinity.

One component of our divinity is our dignity.
Dignity is ours to claim.

The thing is, it is up to we ourselves to claim it.
And root in it.
No one else can hand it to us.

It’s up to us to put a stake in the ground for our  divinity AND our dignity…
This is our birthright.

So let us allow in the infusion, the fueling, the replenishing, and the burst of life force...
That comes from standing strong in our worthiness.

Let us take as a given that we are invaluable.
Even in our flawed, vulnerable humanness.

Let us exude a healthy self-importance.
Not the kind that’s of ego, pride, or narcissism.
Rather the kind that’s deep, genuine, humble, and self-honoring.

Let us retain at the fore that even with our very real personal imperfections…
We are worthy of respect. Of glory.
Of feeling GOOD about ourselves.

Let us release our inner churnings of shame.
Of guilt. Of unworthiness. Of not-enoughness. Of inadequacy.

Let us shed our harsh judgments of ourselves.
Let us shush that shrill, nagging inner-whisper insisting:
“There is something wrong with me.”

There is nothing wrong with us.
We’re human.
With virtues and vices.
With good, bad, ugly, and beautiful.
With both shadow and light.

So let us forgive ourselves for being “only human.”
Let us forbear with ourselves and each other…
For to be human is to err.
And to err human.

Let us bless these s/hero’s journey of ours.
Let us bless the journeys other people are on.
Let us cheer each other on!!
For life is not easy.

Let us encourage, bolster, galvanize, and inspire one another.

Let us shine our light ever more brightly and generously.

Let us be more compassionate and understanding.

Let us be more insightful, perceptive, and wise.

Let us honor the dignity of one another… even among the foibles.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer


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