Know Thyself and Be Free

Know Thyself!!
For your relationship with YOU is all-important.

Reconnect to yourself.
Come home to yourself.

Notice the ways you’ve come unplugged from yourself. And re-weave yourself into a state of being whole…
And at one…
With YOU.

This is going to be my loudest passion and battle cry in the times to come.

Know Thyself…
And be true to that knowledge of self.

AND… Find the courage to LIVE AS WHO YOU ARE!!

Stand up to the constant coercion…
the subjection to the almighty cookie cutter.

Refuse to be corralled into a camp.

Turn down the invitation to be anyone other than who you truly are.

Set your compass to your own personal truth.

LIVE your most authentic values.
Exercise your agency.
Flex your free will.

Embody the change you wish to see in the world.

Role model the qualities of character you most admire…

Live AS the qualities you most wish to see on display in the world.

It starts with a journey of inner exploration…
a dive into a more intimate relationship with yourself.

It starts with a self-discovery journey to stumble upon and excavate the raw materials of who you are. To mine for and examine the unique set of ingredients that make you YOU.

By discovering who you truly are…
By living as who you were designed to be…
You won’t be able to be controlled.

You won’t be gullible.
You won’t be suggestible.
You won’t be susceptible.
You won’t be a sitting duck.

You won’t cave in the face of external authority applying pressure.

You won’t be brainwashed by cultural conditioning… all the while having ZERO idea you have been.

Wake up to the strings of the puppet master…
Notice the “invisible “ cages that entrap us in every direction.

There is another way.
There is a path of freedom… of sovereignty… of self-honoring.

You can absolutely sidestep the endless spin.

You can refuse to enter the hypnotic spell…
the mass formation hypnosis.

By knowing who you are…
You can bypass the ongoing and very real manipulation.

The elaborate manipulation tactics being targeted at us, at every turn, mean that there is an attempt underway to squash our sacred individuality.

Refuse the fear-mongering… the Divide and Conquer.


Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

Let People Be Who They Are


Your Conformity is a Sin