Your Conformity is a Sin

Your conformity…
Is a sin against your originality.

For you are an original.
Utterly one-of-a-kind.
Your task is to know it.
And to live it.

There’s only one you.
There will only ever be one you.
Across the aeons.
Across the annals of history.

Your life story is unique to you.
Your life is bespoke.
It’s a sacred plot-line that will and can never be replicated.

Your s/hero’s journey is custom-designed especially for you.
It’s undertaken with you at the helm.
You living your singular destiny.
You creating your singular destiny.

So be you.
Showcase who you are.
Live your authenticity.
Discover who you really are.

Be one-of-a-kind you.
Let your true colors show.
Let the truth of who you are be revealed.

Bring forth what’s within you.
Be true to yourself.

Unto thine own self be true!
Be different.
Be okay with being different.

Opt to prioritize your authenticity over and above your fitting in.
Over and above pleasing others.
Over and above toe-ing the line.
Over and above NEVER rocking the boat.

Conformity is a sin against yourself.
A sin against your divine design.
Against your programming and personality structure.
Against your unique set of ingredients.
Against the raw materials that add up to who you are.

Conformity is a sin against the higher intelligence.
For it’s a forfeiture and an abdication of the higher intelligence within ourselves.

For when we choose the confines of custom and culture over and above the divinity within us, we wind up trapped in a prison of our making.

It’s kind of like winding up as a canned peach (diminished by man’s “man-handling”) rather than being a ripe, plump peach straight off the tree.

By being real and true, shining as who we really are, we are enhanced. We are optimized. We are more and better.

Standing on the bulls-eye of who we truly are, everything ignites.

Everything bursts into bloom. Perhaps it does so wildly… as bright pink wild roses or chrysanthemums with petals splaying in every direction… All the while, fully ALIVE and resplendently blooming, indeed.

Be you.
Commit not the sin of conformity.

Discover, excavate, and create yourself…
And live as who you are.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

Know Thyself and Be Free


Bedazzle Your Incarnation