Be a Beacon of Light

Be the light in the darkness.
Be a flickering candle that creates a glow in a pitch black room.

Be a shining torch of Truth…
With Truth as a state of being—a saturation of inner Knowing—a clarity, confidence, and certitude within the self that has no need for a mic…

Be a messenger of the light, bearing a message of Truth…
that transcends a need to be spoken…
that transcends a desire to be listened to…
that emanates invisibly into the great beyond as a seed of consciousness…
that broadcasts telepathically…
that ricochets of its own accord out into the ethers… that ripples across the galaxy…
permeating all time and space.

Let your radiance serve as high beam headlights… let it flood the road… beckoning the way forward and onward… into the sunrise, into the bright light of day.

Honor the darkness for its rightful place… For only against the black sky can the stars twinkle. Only because of the darkness can there be the dawn.

And only in the dark can we become tried and tested as the light-workers that we are.

We get forged in the fire so that we take on some of the properties of the fire… We get infected with its powerful, unapologetic, blazing, warming flame.

And as light-workers, we choose the light knowing full well that light and dark are one… that the two are entwined and in endless interplay.

We ourselves are of darkness AND light… All that exists is of darkness AND light.

We will never be pure light or pure darkness, nor is that the goal...

To be the light is NOT to snuff out the darkness… it’s to choose to be the star in the night sky… and it’s to make that choice over and over again… choosing love over and again despite the temptation not to… choosing healing over and over again despite the temptation not to… and choosing to be the lighthouse despite the temptation not to…

And returning to these priorities… glowing, beaming, illuminating, radiating… course-correcting ourselves, over and over again.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

Freedom Starts From Within


I Am Black AND White