I Am Black AND White

I’m not a pale, bleached out, melanin-lacking black person.
Nor am I a white person who happens to have a natural tan.

I’m the living, breathing merger of the black and white races.
I’m the walking, talking alchemy of the black and white races.

In body.
And in mind, heart, and soul.

I am “my people” AND “your people” blended into one.

I am “we” and “they”…
fused and inseparable.

I’m ONENESS embodied.
The Oneness of all of us humans.
I can see it no other way.
My very experience has shown me no other way.

I’m neither black nor white.
And I’m both black and white.

And I’m so more than that, too.
Multiple geographic affiliations.
Multiple influences… backdrops…
Like so many of us humans.

So many of us living hybridity.
Living fusion.
Living the both/and.

With the world still battling on in its antiquated paradigm of “eithers” and “ors.”

Wars being waged.
With life or death stakes.
This side against that side.

And I refuse to pick a side.

We are all both sides!!

We are the human race.
The human family.
Even in the face of our endless diversity.
Even accounting for our very real differences.

Let us cease and desist with our falling for the DIVIDE AND CONQUER tactics being weaponized against us.

Let us not fall for the ruses… the lures… the traps.
The lies.
The lies that “these people are better than those people.”
Let’s put it to bed.
Let’s let it die.

For regardless of our skin tones and cultural backdrops… we are ALL—just like me—a combination of light and dark.

Let us transcend our rigidly held ideas of villainy and victimhood.

Yes, there are oppressors and oppressees…
Of course there are.
The pain of it all is real, my friend.

There is pain on both sides of the equation.
Shared pain.
Dire consequences for the villain and victim alike.

And yet all of us have both oppressor and oppressee within us.
There is a dance between the two sides.
Two sides of the same coin.

For I am you.
And you are me.
*Even across hierarchy*.

We are one.

We are all SPIRITS having a human experience.
What a thing to have in common!!

Let us see the divinity in one another!!

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer


Be a Beacon of Light


Let Us Befriend Paradox