How To Trust In Life

To trust in life…
Is an offering we make from our heart and soul.
It’s a decision we make… A choice.

It’s the exercising of a muscle. The flexing of that muscle. On-goingly.

To trust in life… is dynamic, proactive, and life-enhancing.

It’s not about stubborn passivity.
It’s not an abdication of responsibility…
nor an eschewing of commitments…
nor a leaving of life up to chance.

It’s not about letting the car drive itself, while hoping for the best.

It’s not about a casual over-confidence that there will be miraculous outcomes.

As a friend of mine reminds me, in a phrase from her Muslim faith, “Trust in God… but tie up your camel.”

A message to TRUST IN LIFE must attend to both sides of the equation.

And be sensible, too.
Trust need not happen in a vacuum. Or in outlandish extremes. Or as a flagrant, devil-may-care throwing of caution to the wind.

We need to trust more, however. Because we live in a context where we do a lot of “worst-case-scenario thinking.” Where we do a lot of doubting, fearing, and focusing on the negative.

We have been conditioned to be centered in our minds… keenly aware of the issues, the problems, the dilemmas, and the dangers.

Our thoughts tend to run the show.
We can be mired in doomsday thinking…
anticipating imminent catastrophe…
worrying ourselves right out of any possible semblance of quality of life.

So I say to you:
TRUST… just a little bit more.

Sure, keep your wits about you…
keep your logic…
keep your common sense…
keep your practicality.

But sprinkle all that with a little more trust…
and a little more faith…
and a little more optimism…
and a little more confidence.

Trust that you have a destiny to live out.
Life is not all random… chaotic… and up to chance.

There’s order to the chaos.
A beautiful sacred geometry pattern that can’t be seen from where you sit.

Trust in your life path.
Trust where it’s taking you.
Trust how it’s shaping you.

Trust in yourself…
in your resilience, your resourcefulness, your creativity.

Trust that there’s a reason—an important reason—you’re incarnated on planet earth at this time.

You’re meant to be here…
even and especially in these strange and stressful times we’re living in.

Trust that even as we’re in the unknown, surging into the fog, uncertain and unsure… the journey has wisdom to it… and higher meaning.

It does all make sense somehow.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

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