Unity Begins With U

Unity begins with U.
With self-discovery.
With mining for the treasure within you.

To unify with others, you must first unify with yourself.
You must first discover yourself.
And come to know yourself.
And learn your truest Truths.
And learn to stand in those Truths.
Unwaveringly, courageously, and with Integrity.

Unity begins with U.
A uniting within.
A unification of the *self*.
A healing of the fractured self.
A process of becoming whole.
An integration of ALL parts of the self.
An aligning of the mind with the body, the heart, and the soul.

Unity can only be achieved through the heart and soul, and through imagination and vision.

Unity is not actually unity when it’s rooted in concepts, ideologies, and socio-cultural-politics.

Unity is not actually unity in the absence of heart and soul involvement AND a palpable deference to the divine.

Unity begins with U.
Be a little wilder.
A little more outrageous.
Honor your individuality.
Be the *original* you were born to be.

Be true to who you are.
Be one of a kind.
Reside in your real-ness and your authenticity.

Follow the True North of your inner compass.
Heed the whispers of your soul.
Pursue what feels purposeful.
Mine for what’s meaningful to you.

Exercise your imagination.
Dare to dream.
Exist outside the box.
Call forth your creativity.
Open your mind.
Think for yourself.
Surrender into deep curiosity.
Learn more.

Expand your perceptiveness.
Invite in your intuition.
Open your Third Eye.
Allow your Sixth Sense to fire on all cylinders.
Take in more input.
Chew more… analyze more… critique more… inquire more.

Ask more questions…
Contemplate and ruminate.
Think about and think through.
Consider and reflect.
Digest and assimilate.
Engage and process.

Expand your bandwidth so that you can embrace, take in, radically accept, and above all CONTAIN ever so much more of the vast sea of influences on this planet.

There is a indeed a vast, roiling, infinitely deep sea of truths. There is a whole sea of ways of seeing.

Understanding this is a key to achieving unity.
Unity requires a whole different way of seeing things AND of showing up in the world.

Unity begins with U.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer


Social Change Starts Within


Your Worldview is Unique