Let Us Befriend Paradox

It’s at the core of life.
Multiplicity and hybridity is at the root of life.

We live in a layered… interwoven… entangled… interrelated structure of reality.

Oneness is the Truth of life’s design.

This is why binaristic, polarized thinking won’t do the trick.

This is why divisive thinking lands us in a web of outright falsehoods.

This is why black and white thinking lands us in a trap… imprisoned in self-deception.

Either/or thinking puts an incredibly low ceiling over our heads.
It leaves *us* narrow, confined, and held captive.

To disregard the very real paradoxes we Earthlings reside within (and that every bit as much reside WITHIN and AS us) is to disregard the Truth.

To ignore the paradoxical nature of the world… of life… of ourselves… is to instead choose hypocrisy.

Because there the paradox will still be.
But because we are ignoring it, we will be hypocrites, and not realize it.

The path to true transformation in this world is paved with paradox.

It’s paved with HONORING paradox…
with acknowledging the fractal, prismatic, many-layered and interconnected nature of EVERYTHING.

Paradox is the Truth that permeates all of life on this planet.

And that’s the Truth—the only Truth—that will actually set us free.

HYPOCRISY is to pitch one’s tent squarely in a camp.
To be either “for” or “against.”
To declare yourself *right*—and others wrong—in a sea of 8 billion diverse humans.

Hypocrisy is to assume that YOU, your camp, your side, your team got the official memo and have a monopoly on what’s what.

Hypocrisy is to judge and malign those who see differently from you…
without actually investigating.

It’s to judge and project all kinds of lies and spin and stories about “them.”

It’s to measure “them” up…
while honestly not seeing correctly.
And not even bothering to ask yourself if you’re seeing correctly.

We are socially conditioned into seeing things dualistically.

We are culturally indoctrinated into seeing things through a lens of division.

We are enticed and seduced—from birth—into various versions of divide and conquer.

Let’s see through and beyond…
Let’s see more clearly.
Accounting for the paradoxes.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer


I Am Black AND White


All Roads Lead to YOU