Live Into Your Freedom

There is an art and craft to living free. Because freedom is always in a context.

Freedom is always a dance and even a tight rope walk. Freedom is a journey within a backdrop of unfreedom.

Walking the path of freedom is well worth it. Because it’s inspiring, exhilarating, and rewarding.
Because it’s fueling, feeding, and fulfilling.

Even if it’s a “treacherous” path… a path that wends its way through uncharted territory. Even if it’s a bumpy, topsy-turvy path and not always smooth.

Walking the path of freedom starts with the understanding that you are powerful—ultra-potent—just as you are, whoever you are, wherever you are.

You are sovereign. You are at choice. You have more options available to you than you may be bargaining for.

To embark on the path of freedom, you must first attune to the path that’s possible for you… and the path that’s meant for you. The path that’s true, right, and best for you.

To attune to the path that’s truly aligned for you, you must exercise your intuition and your imagination. You must think bigger and more creatively. And you must also heed your inner-GPS.

In order to attune to the path that’s possible for you, you must think beyond the usual limitations you adhere to.

And the fact is that we humans share in common that all too often, we aren’t even aware of the limited thinking we are adhering to.

See more expansively.
Take in the vaster vista.
Behold from the hawk’s eye view.

And remember always that you have free will.
You get to choose your own adventure.
You get to carve out your own path.
You get to call your own shots.

You get to color outside the lines…
You get to walk off the beaten trail…
You get to make your camp outside the box…
You get to reside outside the matrix.

The thing is, your free will isn’t a “pick anything” proposition. Your free will is about discovering what’s right and true for you. It’s about tuning into what feels meant for you… what feels aligned for you.

Your free will is YOUR free will. It’s unique to you. It’s programmed into you. Not in a fixed way, but in the form of a “predisposition.” Your compunctions are established between you and divinity.

Your wishes, desires, dreams, and predilections are encoded within you from Source. You are a creation of divinity… and you a co-creator with divinity.

You are God and God is you…
And yet God is God… and you are you.
All this, all at once.

Your free will is a walk hand-in-hand with Source. Your free will is a following of your own inner compass.

Your free will is an honoring of the call from within your soul, which doubles as a “calling” that is implanted within you by the Prime Creator.

You are a seed of divinity. You are made in the likeness of divinity. You are a great creator, meant to live creatively.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

On The Great Awakening


Step Into Your Power