Step Into Your Power

It’s paradoxical.

We think it’s out there...
But it’s embedded within us.

We think we’re at the mercy of external forces…
But we’re actually creating our lives by our own hand.

We think things happen “to” us…
But they actually happen “through” us.

Even if we can’t see how…
Our life is our own handiwork…
Our own manifestation.

That’s the power of us.
We’re powerful beyond measure.
It’s high truth that:
“You’ve had the power all along, my dear.”

Yes, HORRIBLE things happen…
in our lives and in the world.
Unspeakable things.
Things no one “deserves” or should ever have to go through.

And yet…
On planet earth, we are on The Wheel of Suffering.
That predicament is our own collective handiwork.

It’s a sacred contract…
A secret handshake…
that suffering is part of our path.

We will all CAUSE suffering…
And be met with it.

We come into human form knowing full well that abject pain will be a part of our destiny… our dharma… our karma.

We do have the collective power to find another way.
We can get off The Wheel of Suffering as humans.

But we go about doing so all wrong.
And in our frantic attempts to get off it or even detonate it…
We instead re-entrench ourselves ever more deeply…
within the grinding gears of the almighty rock tumbler.

We forfeit our personal power...
We act like we don’t have any power…
when ONLY that very power we’re disavowing can get us off The Wheel…
And this leaves us stranded on The Wheel.

Only by wielding our true, intrinsic, inborn power can we get off the wheel.

It’s paradoxical then…
that in our suffering, we are prone to show up in “victim consciousness”…
in a state of blaming, finger-pointing, fault-finding, and asking, “why me?”

Because to get off The Wheel of Suffering, we have to do the opposite and *flex*.
We have to fully own our power, our might, our inherent endowed-ness.

We have to soberly examine our role in any given situation. We have to learn invaluable lessons in life’s classroom—once and for all.

To get off The Wheel of Suffering…
We have to take *radical responsibility* for our circumstances…
AND come to know ourselves as the wizards and creator-beings that we are.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer

Live Into Your Freedom


Our Feelings Are Guides