When You Dug Your Grave

It’s a half-joking term I coined for some of my clients.
And I’ve had some stints there myself.

It refers to those who feel they dug their grave and are now resolutely lying in it.

It refers to those who miscalculated something so colossally that they think they can never correct course.

It refers to  those whose very life is doubling as a punishment for a poor decision they once made.

If that’s you…
Face the fact that you’re lying there…
Stewing in a web of regrets, self-castigation, and shame.
Wishing it were otherwise and that things were different as a default in your life.

Face the cold hard truth… directly and head on.
And allow the truth to set you free.

Yes, set yourself free.

You are under no obligation to live your life relegated to a coffin.
You have every right to push up the lid…
And step out.

You have every right to emerge.
To be reborn.

You have the right to a do-over.

It’s terrifying to emerge from Coffin-Life.
Because we’re pretending so hard it isn’t that bad.
We’re pretending that “everything’s fine”… and “I got this…”

When we’re living “Coffin-Life,” we’re not so much living…  as dying.
And not the good kind of death… not the organic, sacred, and divinely-infused kind.

But rather the ruinous kind where we’re steeped in resignation. And mortification. And the on-going attempt to repress these feelings.

In Coffin-Life, we’re suffocating.

The coffin lid is closed… and nailed shut.
And we’re too proud to admit it.

Our ego is running amok.
Invested in keeping up appearances that all is well.

Meanwhile it’s so bad we can’t see a way out.
And so we don’t even dare bother to try.

We feel imprisoned…
Lying in the coffin…
Relegated to the grave we dug.

If this is you:
Know this…
There is always a way out.
There is always a path of liberation.

There is always life on the other side of death.

Your Coffin-Life was a chance to reflect, review, and reassess. A chance to KNOW, truly, what’s for you. And what’s not.

And now you must live that vision.
Shake yourself free from your husks.
Start fresh… from, as, and with ALL of who you are.

Love + Oneness,

Naomi Aeon

writer • speaker • consultant • transformational teacher • healer


It’s Time To Shed Our Shame


Let People Be Who They Are